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* ビルド時間短縮化 [#v1a93e9a]
        asCString str(name);
        asCModule::SFMapNode* node = 0;
        if ( module->scriptFunctionsMap.MoveTo( &node , asCModule::SFCompare(&str) ) )
        {// 移動成功
                // 追加
                if ( node->value->objectType == 0 )

                // 次へ
                module->scriptFunctionsMap.MoveNext( &node , node );
            } while( node != 0 );

   AngelCode Scripting Library
   Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Andreas Jonsson

   This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied 
   warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any 
   damages arising from the use of this software.

   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any 
   purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and 
   redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

   1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you 
      must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
      this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product 
      documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

   2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and 
      must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

   3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source 

   The original version of this library can be located at:

   Andreas Jonsson

// as_module.h
// A class that holds a script module

#ifndef AS_MODULE_H
#define AS_MODULE_H

#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_atomic.h"
#include "as_string.h"
#include "as_array.h"
#include "as_datatype.h"
#include "as_scriptfunction.h"
#include "as_property.h"
#include "as_map.h"


// TODO: import: Remove this when the imported functions are removed
const int FUNC_IMPORTED = 0x40000000;

class asCScriptEngine;
class asCCompiler;
class asCBuilder;
class asCContext;
class asCConfigGroup;

struct sBindInfo
	asCScriptFunction *importedFunctionSignature;
	asCString		   importFromModule;
	int                boundFunctionId;

struct sObjectTypePair
	asCObjectType *a;
	asCObjectType *b;

// TODO: import: Remove function imports. When I have implemented function 
//               pointers the function imports should be deprecated.

// TODO: Need a separate interface for compiling scripts. The asIScriptCompiler
//       will have a target module, and will allow the compilation of an entire
//       script or just individual functions within the scope of the module
//       With this separation it will be possible to compile the library without
//       the compiler, thus giving a much smaller binary executable.

// TODO: There should be an special compile option that will let the application
//       recompile an already compiled script. The compiler should check if no
//       destructive changes have been made (changing function signatures, etc)
//       then it should simply replace the bytecode within the functions without
//       changing the values of existing global properties, etc.

class asCModule : public asIScriptModule
// Public interface
    class SFCompare
        explicit SFCompare(asCString* str = 0) : mStrPtr(str){}

        bool operator < (const SFCompare& aRHS)const
            assert(mStrPtr != 0);
            assert(aRHS.mStrPtr != 0);
            return *mStrPtr < *aRHS.mStrPtr;
        bool operator == (const SFCompare& aRHS)const
            assert(mStrPtr != 0);
            assert(aRHS.mStrPtr != 0);
            return *mStrPtr == *aRHS.mStrPtr;
        asCString* mStrPtr;
    typedef asCMap<SFCompare, asCScriptFunction*> SFMap;
    typedef asSMapNode<SFCompare, asCScriptFunction*> SFMapNode;

	virtual asIScriptEngine *GetEngine();
	virtual void             SetName(const char *name);
	virtual const char      *GetName();

	// Compilation
	virtual int  AddScriptSection(const char *name, const char *code, size_t codeLength, int lineOffset);
	virtual int  Build();
	virtual int  CompileFunction(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset, asDWORD reserved, asIScriptFunction **outFunc);
	virtual int  CompileGlobalVar(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset);

	// Script functions
	virtual int                GetFunctionCount();
	virtual int                GetFunctionIdByIndex(int index);
	virtual int                GetFunctionIdByName(const char *name);
	virtual int                GetFunctionIdByDecl(const char *decl);
	virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFunctionDescriptorByIndex(int index);
	virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFunctionDescriptorById(int funcId);
	virtual int                RemoveFunction(int funcId);

	// Script global variables
	virtual int         ResetGlobalVars();
	virtual int         GetGlobalVarCount();
	virtual int         GetGlobalVarIndexByName(const char *name);
	virtual int         GetGlobalVarIndexByDecl(const char *decl);
	virtual const char *GetGlobalVarDeclaration(int index);
	virtual const char *GetGlobalVarName(int index);
	virtual int         GetGlobalVarTypeId(int index, bool *isConst);
	virtual void       *GetAddressOfGlobalVar(int index);
	virtual int         RemoveGlobalVar(int index);

	// Type identification
	virtual int            GetObjectTypeCount();
	virtual asIObjectType *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index);
	virtual int            GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl);

	// Enums
	virtual int         GetEnumCount();
	virtual const char *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index, int *enumTypeId);
	virtual int         GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId);
	virtual const char *GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue);

	// Typedefs
	virtual int         GetTypedefCount();
	virtual const char *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index, int *typeId);

	// Dynamic binding between modules
	virtual int         GetImportedFunctionCount();
	virtual int         GetImportedFunctionIndexByDecl(const char *decl);
	virtual const char *GetImportedFunctionDeclaration(int importIndex);
	virtual const char *GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(int importIndex);
	virtual int         BindImportedFunction(int index, int sourceID);
	virtual int         UnbindImportedFunction(int importIndex);
	virtual int         BindAllImportedFunctions();
	virtual int         UnbindAllImportedFunctions();

	// Bytecode Saving/Loading
	virtual int SaveByteCode(asIBinaryStream *out);
	virtual int LoadByteCode(asIBinaryStream *in);

// Internal
	asCModule(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine);

	friend class asCScriptEngine;
	friend class asCBuilder;
	friend class asCCompiler;
	friend class asCContext;
	friend class asCRestore;

	void InternalReset();

	int  CallInit();
	void CallExit();

    void JITCompile();

	int  AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int id, const char *name, const asCDataType &returnType, asCDataType *params, asETypeModifiers *inOutFlags, int paramCount, bool isInterface, asCObjectType *objType = 0, bool isConstMethod = false, bool isGlobalFunction = false);
	int  AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
	int  AddImportedFunction(int id, const char *name, const asCDataType &returnType, asCDataType *params, asETypeModifiers *inOutFlags, int paramCount, const asCString &moduleName);
	int  AddFuncDef(const char *name);

	int  GetNextImportedFunctionId();

	void ResolveInterfaceIds();
	bool AreInterfacesEqual(asCObjectType *a, asCObjectType *b, asCArray<sObjectTypePair> &equals);
	bool AreTypesEqual(const asCDataType &a, const asCDataType &b, asCArray<sObjectTypePair> &equals);

	asCScriptFunction *GetImportedFunction(int funcId);

	asCObjectType *GetObjectType(const char *type);

	asCGlobalProperty *AllocateGlobalProperty(const char *name, const asCDataType &dt);

	asCString name;

	asCScriptEngine *engine;
	asCBuilder      *builder;

	// This array holds all functions, class members, factories, etc that were compiled with the module
	asCArray<asCScriptFunction *>  scriptFunctions;
    SFMap scriptFunctionsMap;
	// This array holds global functions declared in the module
	asCArray<asCScriptFunction *>  globalFunctions;
	// This array holds imported functions in the module
	asCArray<sBindInfo *>          bindInformations;

	// This array holds the global variables declared in the script
	asCArray<asCGlobalProperty *>  scriptGlobals;
	bool                           isGlobalVarInitialized;

	// This array holds class and interface types
	asCArray<asCObjectType*>       classTypes;
	// This array holds enum types
	asCArray<asCObjectType*>       enumTypes;
	// This array holds typedefs
	asCArray<asCObjectType*>       typeDefs;
	// This array holds the funcdefs declared in the module
	asCArray<asCScriptFunction*>   funcDefs;




   AngelCode Scripting Library
   Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Andreas Jonsson

   This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied 
   warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any 
   damages arising from the use of this software.

   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any 
   purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and 
   redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

   1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you 
      must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
      this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product 
      documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

   2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and 
      must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

   3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source 

   The original version of this library can be located at:

   Andreas Jonsson

// as_module.cpp
// A class that holds a script module

#include "as_config.h"
#include "as_module.h"
#include "as_builder.h"
#include "as_context.h"
#include "as_texts.h"


// internal
asCModule::asCModule(const char *name, asCScriptEngine *engine)
	this->name     = name;
	this->engine   = engine;

	builder = 0;
	isGlobalVarInitialized = false;

// internal

	if( builder ) 
		builder = 0;

	// Remove the module from the engine
	if( engine )
		if( engine->lastModule == this )
			engine->lastModule = 0;


// interface
asIScriptEngine *asCModule::GetEngine()
	return engine;

// interface
void asCModule::SetName(const char *name)
	this->name = name;

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetName()
	return name.AddressOf();

// interface
int asCModule::AddScriptSection(const char *name, const char *code, size_t codeLength, int lineOffset)
	if( !builder )
		builder = asNEW(asCBuilder)(engine, this);

	builder->AddCode(name, code, (int)codeLength, lineOffset, (int)engine->GetScriptSectionNameIndex(name ? name : ""), engine->ep.copyScriptSections);

	return asSUCCESS;

// internal
void asCModule::JITCompile()
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scriptFunctions.GetLength(); i++)

// interface
int asCModule::Build()
	// Only one thread may build at one time
	// TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations
	int r = engine->RequestBuild();
	if( r < 0 )
		return r;

	if( engine->configFailed )
		engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION);


	if( !builder )
		return asSUCCESS;

	// Compile the script
	r = builder->Build();
	builder = 0;
	if( r < 0 )
		// Reset module again

		return r;



	// Initialize global variables
	if( r >= 0 && engine->ep.initGlobalVarsAfterBuild )
		r = ResetGlobalVars();

	return r;

// interface
int asCModule::ResetGlobalVars()
	if( isGlobalVarInitialized ) 

	// TODO: The application really should do this manually through a context
	//       otherwise it cannot properly handle script exceptions that may be
	//       thrown by object initializations.
	return CallInit();

// interface
int asCModule::GetFunctionIdByIndex(int index)
	if( index < 0 || index >= (int)scriptFunctions.GetLength() )
		return asNO_FUNCTION;

	return scriptFunctions[index]->id;

// internal
int asCModule::CallInit()
	if( isGlobalVarInitialized ) 
		return asERROR;

	// Each global variable needs to be cleared individually
	asUINT n;
	for( n = 0; n < scriptGlobals.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( scriptGlobals[n] )
			memset(scriptGlobals[n]->GetAddressOfValue(), 0, sizeof(asDWORD)*scriptGlobals[n]->type.GetSizeOnStackDWords());

	// Call the init function for each of the global variables
	asIScriptContext *ctx = 0;
	int r = 0;
	for( n = 0; n < scriptGlobals.GetLength() && r == 0; n++ )
		if( scriptGlobals[n]->GetInitFunc() )
			if( ctx == 0 )
				r = engine->CreateContext(&ctx, true);
				if( r < 0 )

			r = ctx->Prepare(scriptGlobals[n]->GetInitFunc()->id);
			if( r >= 0 )
				r = ctx->Execute();

	if( ctx )
		ctx = 0;

	// Even if the initialization failed we need to set the 
	// flag that the variables have been initialized, otherwise
	// the module won't free those variables that really were 
	// initialized.
	isGlobalVarInitialized = true;


	return asSUCCESS;

// internal
void asCModule::CallExit()
	if( !isGlobalVarInitialized ) return;

	for( size_t n = 0; n < scriptGlobals.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( scriptGlobals[n]->type.IsObject() )
			void *obj = *(void**)scriptGlobals[n]->GetAddressOfValue();
			if( obj )
				asCObjectType *ot = scriptGlobals[n]->type.GetObjectType();

				if( ot->beh.release )
					engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, ot->beh.release);
					if( ot->beh.destruct )
						engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, ot->beh.destruct);


	isGlobalVarInitialized = false;

// internal
void asCModule::InternalReset()

	size_t n;

	// Release all global functions
	for( n = 0; n < globalFunctions.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( globalFunctions[n] )

	// First release all compiled functions
	for( n = 0; n < scriptFunctions.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( scriptFunctions[n] )
			// Remove the module reference in the functions
			scriptFunctions[n]->module = 0;

	// Release the global properties declared in the module
	for( n = 0; n < scriptGlobals.GetLength(); n++ )


	// Free bind information
	for( n = 0; n < bindInformations.GetLength(); n++ )
		engine->importedFunctions[bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->id & 0xFFFF] = 0 ;

		asDELETE(bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature, asCScriptFunction);
		asDELETE(bindInformations[n], sBindInfo);

	// Free declared types, including classes, typedefs, and enums
	for( n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
	for( n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
	for( n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++ )

	// Free funcdefs
	for( n = 0; n < funcDefs.GetLength(); n++ )
		// TODO: funcdefs: These may be shared between modules, so we can't just remove them

// interface
int asCModule::GetFunctionIdByName(const char *name)
	// TODO: optimize: Improve linear search
	// Find the function id
	int id = -1;
	for( size_t n = 0; n < globalFunctions.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( globalFunctions[n]->name == name )
			if( id == -1 )
				id = globalFunctions[n]->id;

	if( id == -1 ) return asNO_FUNCTION;

	return id;

// interface
int asCModule::GetImportedFunctionCount()
	return (int)bindInformations.GetLength();

// interface
int asCModule::GetImportedFunctionIndexByDecl(const char *decl)
	asCBuilder bld(engine, this);

	asCScriptFunction func(engine, this, -1);
	bld.ParseFunctionDeclaration(0, decl, &func, false);

	// TODO: optimize: Improve linear search
	// Search script functions for matching interface
	int id = -1;
	for( asUINT n = 0; n < bindInformations.GetLength(); ++n )
		if( == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->name && 
			func.returnType == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->returnType &&
			func.parameterTypes.GetLength() == bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
			bool match = true;
			for( asUINT p = 0; p < func.parameterTypes.GetLength(); ++p )
				if( func.parameterTypes[p] != bindInformations[n]->importedFunctionSignature->parameterTypes[p] )
					match = false;

			if( match )
				if( id == -1 )
					id = n;

	if( id == -1 ) return asNO_FUNCTION;

	return id;

// interface
int asCModule::GetFunctionCount()
	return (int)globalFunctions.GetLength();

// interface
int asCModule::GetFunctionIdByDecl(const char *decl)
	asCBuilder bld(engine, this);

	asCScriptFunction func(engine, this, -1);
	int r = bld.ParseFunctionDeclaration(0, decl, &func, false);
	if( r < 0 )

	// TODO: optimize: Improve linear search
	// Search script functions for matching interface
	int id = -1;
	for( size_t n = 0; n < globalFunctions.GetLength(); ++n )
		if( globalFunctions[n]->objectType == 0 && == globalFunctions[n]->name && 
			func.returnType == globalFunctions[n]->returnType &&
			func.parameterTypes.GetLength() == globalFunctions[n]->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
			bool match = true;
			for( size_t p = 0; p < func.parameterTypes.GetLength(); ++p )
				if( func.parameterTypes[p] != globalFunctions[n]->parameterTypes[p] )
					match = false;

			if( match )
				if( id == -1 )
					id = globalFunctions[n]->id;

	if( id == -1 ) return asNO_FUNCTION;

	return id;

// interface
int asCModule::GetGlobalVarCount()
	return (int)scriptGlobals.GetLength();

// interface
int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByName(const char *name)
	// Find the global var id
	int id = -1;
	for( size_t n = 0; n < scriptGlobals.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( scriptGlobals[n]->name == name )
			id = (int)n;

	if( id == -1 ) return asNO_GLOBAL_VAR;

	return id;

// interface
int asCModule::RemoveGlobalVar(int index)
	if( index < 0 || index >= (int)scriptGlobals.GetLength() )
		return asINVALID_ARG;


	return 0;

// interface
asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionDescriptorByIndex(int index)
	if( index < 0 || index >= (int)globalFunctions.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	return globalFunctions[index];

// interface
asIScriptFunction *asCModule::GetFunctionDescriptorById(int funcId)
	return engine->GetFunctionDescriptorById(funcId);

// interface
int asCModule::GetGlobalVarIndexByDecl(const char *decl)
	asCBuilder bld(engine, this);

	asCObjectProperty gvar;
	bld.ParseVariableDeclaration(decl, &gvar);

	// TODO: optimize: Improve linear search
	// Search script functions for matching interface
	int id = -1;
	for( size_t n = 0; n < scriptGlobals.GetLength(); ++n )
		if( == scriptGlobals[n]->name && 
			gvar.type == scriptGlobals[n]->type )
			id = (int)n;

	if( id == -1 ) return asNO_GLOBAL_VAR;

	return id;

// interface
void *asCModule::GetAddressOfGlobalVar(int index)
	if( index < 0 || index >= (int)scriptGlobals.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	// TODO: value types shouldn't need dereferencing
	// For object variables it's necessary to dereference the pointer to get the address of the value
	if( scriptGlobals[index]->type.IsObject() && !scriptGlobals[index]->type.IsObjectHandle() )
		return *(void**)(scriptGlobals[index]->GetAddressOfValue());

	return (void*)(scriptGlobals[index]->GetAddressOfValue());

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetGlobalVarDeclaration(int index)
	if( index < 0 || index >= (int)scriptGlobals.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals[index];

	asCString *tempString = &threadManager->GetLocalData()->string;
	*tempString = prop->type.Format();
	*tempString += " " + prop->name;

	return tempString->AddressOf();

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetGlobalVarName(int index)
	if( index < 0 || index >= (int)scriptGlobals.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	return scriptGlobals[index]->name.AddressOf();

// interface
// TODO: If the typeId ever encodes the const flag, then the isConst parameter should be removed
int asCModule::GetGlobalVarTypeId(int index, bool *isConst)
	if( index < 0 || index >= (int)scriptGlobals.GetLength() )
		return asINVALID_ARG;

	if( isConst )
		*isConst = scriptGlobals[index]->type.IsReadOnly();

	return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(scriptGlobals[index]->type);

// interface
int asCModule::GetObjectTypeCount()
	return (int)classTypes.GetLength();

// interface 
asIObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index)
	if( index >= classTypes.GetLength() ) 
		return 0;

	return classTypes[index];

// interface
int asCModule::GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl)
	asCDataType dt;
	asCBuilder bld(engine, this);
	int r = bld.ParseDataType(decl, &dt);
	if( r < 0 )
		return asINVALID_TYPE;

	return engine->GetTypeIdFromDataType(dt);

// interface
int asCModule::GetEnumCount()
	return (int)enumTypes.GetLength();

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index, int *enumTypeId)
	if( index >= enumTypes.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	if( enumTypeId )
		*enumTypeId = GetTypeIdByDecl(enumTypes[index]->name.AddressOf());

	return enumTypes[index]->name.AddressOf();

// interface
int asCModule::GetEnumValueCount(int enumTypeId)
	const asCDataType *dt = engine->GetDataTypeFromTypeId(enumTypeId);
	asCObjectType *t = dt->GetObjectType();
	if( t == 0 || !(t->GetFlags() & asOBJ_ENUM) ) 
		return asINVALID_TYPE;

	return (int)t->enumValues.GetLength();

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetEnumValueByIndex(int enumTypeId, asUINT index, int *outValue)
	const asCDataType *dt = engine->GetDataTypeFromTypeId(enumTypeId);
	asCObjectType *t = dt->GetObjectType();
	if( t == 0 || !(t->GetFlags() & asOBJ_ENUM) ) 
		return 0;

	if( index >= t->enumValues.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	if( outValue )
		*outValue = t->enumValues[index]->value;

	return t->enumValues[index]->name.AddressOf();

// interface
int asCModule::GetTypedefCount()
	return (int)typeDefs.GetLength();

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index, int *typeId)
	if( index >= typeDefs.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	if( typeId )
		*typeId = GetTypeIdByDecl(typeDefs[index]->name.AddressOf());

	return typeDefs[index]->name.AddressOf();

// internal
int asCModule::GetNextImportedFunctionId()
	return FUNC_IMPORTED | (asUINT)engine->importedFunctions.GetLength();

// internal
int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(int sectionIdx, int id, const char *name, const asCDataType &returnType, asCDataType *params, asETypeModifiers *inOutFlags, int paramCount, bool isInterface, asCObjectType *objType, bool isConstMethod, bool isGlobalFunction)
	asASSERT(id >= 0);

	// Store the function information
	asCScriptFunction *func = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(engine, this, isInterface ? asFUNC_INTERFACE : asFUNC_SCRIPT);
	func->name       = name;
	func->id         = id;
	func->returnType = returnType;
	func->scriptSectionIdx = sectionIdx;
	for( int n = 0; n < paramCount; n++ )
	func->objectType = objType;
	func->isReadOnly = isConstMethod;

	// The script function's refCount was initialized to 1
    if ( objType == 0 )

	// Compute the signature id
	if( objType )

	// Add reference
	if( isGlobalFunction )

	return 0;

// internal 
int asCModule::AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func)
    if ( func->objectType == 0 )

	return 0;

// internal
int asCModule::AddImportedFunction(int id, const char *name, const asCDataType &returnType, asCDataType *params, asETypeModifiers *inOutFlags, int paramCount, const asCString &moduleName)
	asASSERT(id >= 0);

	// Store the function information
	asCScriptFunction *func = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(engine, this, asFUNC_IMPORTED);
	func->name       = name;
	func->id         = id;
	func->returnType = returnType;
	for( int n = 0; n < paramCount; n++ )
	func->objectType = 0;

	sBindInfo *info = asNEW(sBindInfo);
	info->importedFunctionSignature = func;
	info->boundFunctionId = -1;
	info->importFromModule = moduleName;

	// Add the info to the array in the engine

	return 0;

// internal
asCScriptFunction *asCModule::GetImportedFunction(int index)
	return bindInformations[index]->importedFunctionSignature;

// interface
int asCModule::BindImportedFunction(int index, int sourceId)
	// First unbind the old function
	int r = UnbindImportedFunction(index);
	if( r < 0 ) return r;

	// Must verify that the interfaces are equal
	asCScriptFunction *dst = GetImportedFunction(index);
	if( dst == 0 ) return asNO_FUNCTION;

	asCScriptFunction *src = engine->GetScriptFunction(sourceId);
	if( src == 0 ) 
		return asNO_FUNCTION;

	// Verify return type
	if( dst->returnType != src->returnType )

	if( dst->parameterTypes.GetLength() != src->parameterTypes.GetLength() )

	for( size_t n = 0; n < dst->parameterTypes.GetLength(); ++n )
		if( dst->parameterTypes[n] != src->parameterTypes[n] )

	bindInformations[index]->boundFunctionId = sourceId;

	return asSUCCESS;

// interface
int asCModule::UnbindImportedFunction(int index)
	if( index < 0 || index > (int)bindInformations.GetLength() )
		return asINVALID_ARG;

	// Remove reference to old module
	int oldFuncID = bindInformations[index]->boundFunctionId;
	if( oldFuncID != -1 )
		bindInformations[index]->boundFunctionId = -1;

	return asSUCCESS;

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetImportedFunctionDeclaration(int index)
	asCScriptFunction *func = GetImportedFunction(index);
	if( func == 0 ) return 0;

	asCString *tempString = &threadManager->GetLocalData()->string;
	*tempString = func->GetDeclarationStr();

	return tempString->AddressOf();

// interface
const char *asCModule::GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(int index)
	if( index >= (int)bindInformations.GetLength() )
		return 0;

	return bindInformations[index]->importFromModule.AddressOf();

// inteface
int asCModule::BindAllImportedFunctions()
	bool notAllFunctionsWereBound = false;

	// Bind imported functions
	int c = GetImportedFunctionCount();
	for( int n = 0; n < c; ++n )
		asCScriptFunction *func = GetImportedFunction(n);
		if( func == 0 ) return asERROR;

		asCString str = func->GetDeclarationStr();

		// Get module name from where the function should be imported
		const char *moduleName = GetImportedFunctionSourceModule(n);
		if( moduleName == 0 ) return asERROR;

		asCModule *srcMod = engine->GetModule(moduleName, false);
		int funcId = -1;
		if( srcMod )
			funcId = srcMod->GetFunctionIdByDecl(str.AddressOf());

		if( funcId < 0 )
			notAllFunctionsWereBound = true;
			if( BindImportedFunction(n, funcId) < 0 )
				notAllFunctionsWereBound = true;

	if( notAllFunctionsWereBound )

	return asSUCCESS;

// interface
int asCModule::UnbindAllImportedFunctions()
	int c = GetImportedFunctionCount();
	for( int n = 0; n < c; ++n )

	return asSUCCESS;

// internal
asCObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectType(const char *type)
	size_t n;

	// TODO: optimize: Improve linear search
	for( n = 0; n < classTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( classTypes[n]->name == type )
			return classTypes[n];

	for( n = 0; n < enumTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( enumTypes[n]->name == type )
			return enumTypes[n];

	for( n = 0; n < typeDefs.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( typeDefs[n]->name == type )
			return typeDefs[n];

	return 0;

// internal
asCGlobalProperty *asCModule::AllocateGlobalProperty(const char *name, const asCDataType &dt)
	asCGlobalProperty *prop = engine->AllocateGlobalProperty();
	prop->name = name;

	// Allocate the memory for this property based on its type
	prop->type = dt;

	// Store the variable in the module scope (the reference count is already set to 1)

	return prop;

// internal
void asCModule::ResolveInterfaceIds()
	// For each of the interfaces declared in the script find identical interface in the engine.
	// If an identical interface was found then substitute the current id for the identical interface's id, 
	// then remove this interface declaration. If an interface was modified by the declaration, then 
	// retry the detection of identical interface for it since it may now match another.

	// For an interface to be equal to another the name and methods must match. If the interface
	// references another interface, then that must be checked as well, which can lead to circular references.

	// Example:
	// interface A { void f(B@); }
	// interface B { void f(A@); void f(C@); }
	// interface C { void f(A@); }
	// A1 equals A2 if and only if B1 equals B2
	// B1 equals B2 if and only if A1 equals A2 and C1 equals C2
	// C1 equals C2 if and only if A1 equals A2

	unsigned int i;

	// The interface can only be equal to interfaces declared in other modules. 
	// Interfaces registered by the application will conflict with this one if it has the same name.
	// This means that we only need to look for the interfaces in the engine->classTypes, but not in engine->objectTypes.
	asCArray<sObjectTypePair> equals;
	for( i = 0; i < classTypes.GetLength(); i++ )
		asCObjectType *intf1 = classTypes[i];
		if( !intf1->IsInterface() )

		// The interface may have been determined to be equal to another already
		bool found = false;
		for( unsigned int e = 0; e < equals.GetLength(); e++ )
			if( equals[e].a == intf1 )
				found = true;
		if( found )

		for( unsigned int n = 0; n < engine->classTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
			// Don't compare against self
			if( engine->classTypes[n] == intf1 )
			asCObjectType *intf2 = engine->classTypes[n];

			// Assume the interface are equal, then validate this
			sObjectTypePair pair = {intf1,intf2};

			if( AreInterfacesEqual(intf1, intf2, equals) )
			// Since they are not equal, remove them from the list again

	// For each of the interfaces that have been found to be equal we need to 
	// remove the new declaration and instead have the module use the existing one.
	for( i = 0; i < equals.GetLength(); i++ )
		// Substitute the old object type from the module's class types
		unsigned int c;
		for( c = 0; c < classTypes.GetLength(); c++ )
			if( classTypes[c] == equals[i].a )
				classTypes[c] = equals[i].b;

		// Remove the old object type from the engine's class types
		for( c = 0; c < engine->classTypes.GetLength(); c++ )
			if( engine->classTypes[c] == equals[i].a )
				engine->classTypes[c] = engine->classTypes[engine->classTypes.GetLength()-1];

		// Substitute all uses of this object type
		// Only interfaces in the module is using the type so far
		for( c = 0; c < classTypes.GetLength(); c++ )
			if( classTypes[c]->IsInterface() )
				asCObjectType *intf = classTypes[c];
				for( int m = 0; m < intf->GetMethodCount(); m++ )
					asCScriptFunction *func = engine->GetScriptFunction(intf->methods[m]);
					if( func )
						if( func->returnType.GetObjectType() == equals[i].a )

						for( int p = 0; p < func->GetParamCount(); p++ )
							if( func->parameterTypes[p].GetObjectType() == equals[i].a )

		// Substitute all interface methods in the module. Delete all methods for the old interface
		for( unsigned int m = 0; m < equals[i].a->methods.GetLength(); m++ )
			for( c = 0; c < scriptFunctions.GetLength(); c++ )
				if( scriptFunctions[c]->id == equals[i].a->methods[m] )
                    assert(false); // todo: tree
					scriptFunctions[c] = engine->GetScriptFunction(equals[i].b->methods[m]);

		// Deallocate the object type
		asDELETE(equals[i].a, asCObjectType);

// internal
bool asCModule::AreInterfacesEqual(asCObjectType *a, asCObjectType *b, asCArray<sObjectTypePair> &equals)
	// An interface is considered equal to another if the following criterias apply:
	// - The interface names are equal
	// - The number of methods is equal
	// - All the methods are equal
	// - The order of the methods is equal
	// - If a method returns or takes an interface by handle or reference, both interfaces must be equal

	// ------------
	// TODO: Study the possiblity of allowing interfaces where methods are declared in different orders to
	// be considered equal. The compiler and VM can handle this, but it complicates the comparison of interfaces
	// where multiple methods take different interfaces as parameters (or return values). Example:
	// interface A
	// {
	//    void f(B, C);
	//    void f(B);
	//    void f(C);
	// }
	// If 'void f(B)' in module A is compared against 'void f(C)' in module B, then the code will assume
	// interface B in module A equals interface C in module B. Thus 'void f(B, C)' in module A won't match
	// 'void f(C, B)' in module B.
	// ------------

	// Are both interfaces?
	if( !a->IsInterface() || !b->IsInterface() )
		return false;

	// Are the names equal?
	if( a->name != b->name )
		return false;

	// Are the number of methods equal?
	if( a->methods.GetLength() != b->methods.GetLength() )
		return false;

	// Keep the number of equals in the list so we can restore it later if necessary
	int prevEquals = (int)equals.GetLength();

	// Are the methods equal to each other?
	bool match = true;
	for( unsigned int n = 0; n < a->methods.GetLength(); n++ )
		match = false;

		asCScriptFunction *funcA = (asCScriptFunction*)engine->GetFunctionDescriptorById(a->methods[n]);
		asCScriptFunction *funcB = (asCScriptFunction*)engine->GetFunctionDescriptorById(b->methods[n]);

		// funcB can be null if the module that created the interface has been  
		// discarded but the type has not yet been released by the engine.
		if( funcB == 0 )

		// The methods must have the same name and the same number of parameters
		if( funcA->name != funcB->name ||
			funcA->parameterTypes.GetLength() != funcB->parameterTypes.GetLength() )
		// The return types must be equal. If the return type is an interface the interfaces must match.
		if( !AreTypesEqual(funcA->returnType, funcB->returnType, equals) )

		match = true;
		for( unsigned int p = 0; p < funcA->parameterTypes.GetLength(); p++ )
			if( !AreTypesEqual(funcA->parameterTypes[p], funcB->parameterTypes[p], equals) ||
				funcA->inOutFlags[p] != funcB->inOutFlags[p] )
				match = false;

		if( !match )

	// For each of the new interfaces that we're assuming to be equal, we need to validate this
	if( match )
		for( unsigned int n = prevEquals; n < equals.GetLength(); n++ )
			if( !AreInterfacesEqual(equals[n].a, equals[n].b, equals) )
				match = false;

	if( !match )
		// The interfaces doesn't match. 
		// Restore the list of previous equals before we go on, so  
		// the caller can continue comparing with another interface

	return match;

// internal
bool asCModule::AreTypesEqual(const asCDataType &a, const asCDataType &b, asCArray<sObjectTypePair> &equals)
	if( !a.IsEqualExceptInterfaceType(b) )
		return false;

	asCObjectType *ai = a.GetObjectType();
	asCObjectType *bi = b.GetObjectType();

	if( ai && ai->IsInterface() )
		// If the interface is in the equals list, then the pair must match the pair in the list
		bool found = false;
		unsigned int e;
		for( e = 0; e < equals.GetLength(); e++ )
			if( equals[e].a == ai )
				found = true;

		if( found )
			// Do the pairs match?
			if( equals[e].b != bi )
				return false;
			// Assume they are equal from now on
			sObjectTypePair pair = {ai, bi};

	return true;

// interface
int asCModule::SaveByteCode(asIBinaryStream *out)
	if( out == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG;

	asCRestore rest(this, out, engine);
	return rest.Save();

// interface
int asCModule::LoadByteCode(asIBinaryStream *in)
	if( in == 0 ) return asINVALID_ARG;

	// Only permit loading bytecode if no other thread is currently compiling
	// TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations
	int r = engine->RequestBuild();
	if( r < 0 )
		return r;

	asCRestore rest(this, in, engine);
	r = rest.Restore();



	return r;

// interface
int asCModule::CompileGlobalVar(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset)
	// Validate arguments
	if( code == 0 )
		return asINVALID_ARG;

	// Only one thread may build at one time
	// TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations
	int r = engine->RequestBuild();
	if( r < 0 )
		return r;

	// Prepare the engine
	if( engine->configFailed )
		engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION);

	// Compile the global variable and add it to the module scope
	asCBuilder builder(engine, this);
	asCString str = code;
	r = builder.CompileGlobalVar(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset);


	// Initialize the variable
	if( r >= 0 && engine->ep.initGlobalVarsAfterBuild )
		// Clear the memory 
		asCGlobalProperty *prop = scriptGlobals[scriptGlobals.GetLength()-1];
		memset(prop->GetAddressOfValue(), 0, sizeof(asDWORD)*prop->type.GetSizeOnStackDWords());

		if( prop->GetInitFunc() )
			// Call the init function for the global variable
			asIScriptContext *ctx = 0;
			int r = engine->CreateContext(&ctx, true);
			if( r < 0 )
				return r;

			r = ctx->Prepare(prop->GetInitFunc()->id);
			if( r >= 0 )
				r = ctx->Execute();


	return r;

// interface
int asCModule::CompileFunction(const char *sectionName, const char *code, int lineOffset, asDWORD compileFlags, asIScriptFunction **outFunc)
	asASSERT(outFunc == 0 || *outFunc == 0);

	// Validate arguments
	if( code == 0 || 
		(compileFlags != 0 && compileFlags != asCOMP_ADD_TO_MODULE) )
		return asINVALID_ARG;

	// Only one thread may build at one time
	// TODO: It should be possible to have multiple threads perform compilations
	int r = engine->RequestBuild();
	if( r < 0 )
		return r;

	// Prepare the engine
	if( engine->configFailed )
		engine->WriteMessage("", 0, 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, TXT_INVALID_CONFIGURATION);

	// Compile the single function
	asCBuilder builder(engine, this);
	asCString str = code;
	asCScriptFunction *func = 0;
	r = builder.CompileFunction(sectionName, str.AddressOf(), lineOffset, compileFlags, &func);


	if( r >= 0 && outFunc )
		// Return the function to the caller
		*outFunc = func;

	// Release our reference to the function
	if( func )

	return r;

// interface
int asCModule::RemoveFunction(int funcId)
	// Find the global function
	for( asUINT n = 0; n < globalFunctions.GetLength(); n++ )
		if( globalFunctions[n] && globalFunctions[n]->id == funcId )
			asCScriptFunction *func = globalFunctions[n];


			return 0;

	return asNO_FUNCTION;

// internal
int asCModule::AddFuncDef(const char *name)
	asCScriptFunction *func = asNEW(asCScriptFunction)(engine, 0, asFUNC_FUNCDEF);
	func->name = name;


	func->id = engine->GetNextScriptFunctionId();

	return (int)funcDefs.GetLength()-1;



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